Event Opening, Registration and collection of badges
Ouverture de l’événement, inscription et retrait des badges
Ouverture Maître de cérémonie :
Dr Ons Najjar Mansour, Dr. Architecture – Professeur assistant à l’ISTEUB
Welcome Speech by Chairman of BAS 2023 (Language: French)
Dr Hassan Radoine – Dean of School of Architecture – Planning and Design UM6P.
Discours d’ouverture de :
Mme Fatimzahra Al Mansouri Ministre de l’Aménagement du territoire national, de l’Urbanisme, de l’Habitat et de la Politique de la ville
Discours de Continuum BIM co-organisateur par :
Mr. Ahmed Ayoub Rqaoui – Managing Director/CEO, Continuum BIM.
Welcome Adress by BIM Africa Initiative, co organizer.
by: Mr Kamal Ben Addou Idrissi – Chairman of BIM Africa Initiative Board of Directors.
Speaking Session: The OPEN geospatial Digital Twin: the dynamic integration of GIS, openBIM, IoT and FM technologies for a new building and infrastructure management paradigm. (Language: French)
Participants: Mr Alfonso Perna – International Market Manager, ACCA Software.
Inaugural Conference: Digital Advancement of the Built Environment for a Sustainable Africa. (Language: French & English)
Panel Moderator: Dr Ons Najjar Mansour – Ceremony Master, Assistant Professeur at ISTEUB, Tunisia.
Opening of the Exhibition by Honourable Minister
Media Tour with the Honourable Minister, Governor, Chairman, co organizers, and all honorable guests.
Tournée médiatique avec l’honorable ministre, le gouverneur, le président, les co-organisateurs et tous les invités d’honneur.
Lunch Break
Speaking session hosted by Gold Sponsor 1 JESA
by: Mr Tarik Nassif – Sales Director at JESA.
Panel Session: BIM for Sustainable Cities – Développer et gérer les villes intelligentes et processus
Panel Moderator: Dr. Fatima Zahra Abbassi – Professor at FST Marrakech, Cadi Ayyad University and lead of Civil Engineering Department.
Speaking session hosted by Gold Sponsor 2 Robobat
by: Mr Soufiane Smaili – Directeur général ROBOBAT.
Panel Session: Héritage historique et BIM – Préserver les Monuments Historiques Africains entre technologies et traditions.
Panel Moderator: Dr. Salwa Aomor – Architect and Professor at SAPD, UM6P.
Panel Session: Digital Twins – The Key of unlocking the Full potential of BIM
Panel Moderator: Mr. Moses Itanola – Executive Director of BIM Africa Initiative.
Tailored Conference: JESA
Digital Asset Life Cycle Management: Enabling Data Centric Execution from Engineering to Operations
Tailored Conference: ACCA Software
The usBIM system for the digitalization of buildings and infrastructures
Mr Alfonso Perna – International Market Manager, ACCA Software
Tailored Conference: VIGON Systems
Construire l’Hôtel de Demain : Comment la technologie peut personnaliser le divertissement en chambre pour le client”
Mr Yassine Arfane, CEO Vigon Systems
Lunch & Prayers
Tailored Conference: Entrepreneurship in the AEC field : Creating new paths for innovation
Conference Panel: Overcoming barriers to adopting digital technologies in Construction.
Conference Panel: Effective Pathways for BIM Mastery.
Tailored Masterclass 1: Du BIM au Jumeau Numérique Territorial – Maud GUIZOL, Soumeya OUELD TIMIJJA, and Khalid SBAI, GTR-COLAS
Tailored Masterclass 3: Accompagnement entrepreneurial par le Centre Régional d’Investissement de Marrakech
Tailored Masterclass 4: Continuum BIM : Le BIM en phase d’éxecution
Tailored Masterclass 5: BIM Automation to improve project management for constructions – Case studies‘ –Mr Slim CHAKKI : Responsable département BIM LUSEO MAROC, Mme Amal MAIZI : Architecte – BIM manager LUSEO MAROC
Tailored Masterclass 6: UM6P : Présentation du Master Exécutif BIM to CIM de la SAP+D/UM6P’ – M.Hassan Jarar, M. Mohammed Ahachad et Mme Rafika Hajji
Lunch & Prayers
OpenBIM: accélérateur de la digitalisation de l’industrie de la construction – Dr. Youssef El Ganadi, Professeur à l’ESAR (UIR) et Président de BuildingSMART Morocco
Tailored Masterclass 7: SCAN TO BIM Workflow and use cases in Morocco – Mustapha AMZIL, Walid BENMANSOUR, & Khalid AMEDIAZ supported by LEICA Geosystems and TERRAMODUS
Digitalisation(s) des patrimoine(s) urbain, architectural et industriel: Vers une industrie de la digitalisation – Dahbia Meddahi & Kamel Kadri, IPFIG Innovations Technologiques.
Tailored Masterclass 8 : How SLAM technology changed the way scan to BIM process – Use cases from Moroccan Market –
El Hanafi Mohamed, Channel Sales Manager NaVvis GMBH, Omar Moutaib, Sales manager Prime Zone Systems, supported by Prime Zone Systems
Tailored Masterclass 2: Revizto: The Cross-Team Collaboration BIM Platform Democratizer – Nabil Nougha, Regional Sales Director | Middle East & Africa
Presentation: 3D Printing Earth: Hybrid approach between traditional and contemporary architecture – Dr Deena El-Mahdy, Assistant Professor, The British University in Egypt
Presentation: Data-Driven Insights in Construction: Harnessing the Power of BIM and Analytics – Omar Habib, Digital Delivery Manager, WiiPlan Project Solutions
Presentation: Breaking Boundaries in AEC: Accelerating Design and Construction through Data-Driven Approaches and Automation – Kehinde Ayobade, Founder KS Digital Innovations
Presentation: Enhanced Life-Cycle-Costing in wood construction by novel BIM-supported solution – Richard Acquah – Assistant Researcher, InnoRenew CoE, Slovenia
Lunch & Prayers
Exclusive Side Event: Signing of Partnership Agreement with South Mediterranean University (SMU) – Mediterranean Institute of Technology (MedTech).
BIM for Infrastructure Management – Engr. Abubakar Lawal, Deputy Director, Engineering Services Amana Consortium Limited
Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Engineering and Construction – Ahmed Zakzouk, PhD Researcher, Technische Universität Dresden
Presentation: BIM and Construction Cost Management: Optimising and increasing the consistency of construction cost – Ayodele Faleye MRICS, Senior Quantity Surveyor, United Nations Office for Project Services
Tailored Conference: JESA
Digital Asset Life Cycle Management: Enabling Data Centric Execution from Engineering to Operations
Tailored Conference: ACCA Software
The usBIM system for the digitalization of buildings and infrastructures
Mr Alfonso Perna – International Market Manager, ACCA Software
Tailored Conference: VIGON Systems
Construire l’Hôtel de Demain : Comment la technologie peut personnaliser le divertissement en chambre pour le client”
Mr Yassine Arfane, CEO Vigon Systems
Lunch & Prayers
Tailored Conference: Entrepreneurship in the AEC field : Creating new paths for innovation
Conference Panel: Overcoming barriers to adopting digital technologies in Construction.
Conference Panel: Effective Pathways for BIM Mastery.
Tailored Masterclass 1: Du BIM au Jumeau Numérique Territorial – Maud GUIZOL, Soumeya OUELD TIMIJJA, and Khalid SBAI, GTR-COLAS
Tailored Masterclass 3: Accompagnement entrepreneurial par le Centre Régional d’Investissement de Marrakech
Tailored Masterclass 4: Continuum BIM : Le BIM en phase d’éxecution
Tailored Masterclass 5: BIM Automation to improve project management for constructions – Case studies‘ –Mr Slim CHAKKI : Responsable département BIM LUSEO MAROC, Mme Amal MAIZI : Architecte – BIM manager LUSEO MAROC
Tailored Masterclass 6: UM6P : Présentation du Master Exécutif BIM to CIM de la SAP+D/UM6P’ – M.Hassan Jarar, M. Mohammed Ahachad et Mme Rafika Hajji
Lunch & Prayers
OpenBIM: accélérateur de la digitalisation de l’industrie de la construction – Dr. Youssef El Ganadi, Professeur à l’ESAR (UIR) et Président de BuildingSMART Morocco
Tailored Masterclass 7: SCAN TO BIM Workflow and use cases in Morocco – Mustapha AMZIL, Walid BENMANSOUR, & Khalid AMEDIAZ supported by LEICA Geosystems and TERRAMODUS
Digitalisation(s) des patrimoine(s) urbain, architectural et industriel: Vers une industrie de la digitalisation – Dahbia Meddahi & Kamel Kadri, IPFIG Innovations Technologiques.
Tailored Masterclass 8 : How SLAM technology changed the way scan to BIM process – Use cases from Moroccan Market –
El Hanafi Mohamed, Channel Sales Manager NaVvis GMBH, Omar Moutaib, Sales manager Prime Zone Systems, supported by Prime Zone Systems
Tailored Masterclass 2: Revizto: The Cross-Team Collaboration BIM Platform Democratizer – Nabil Nougha, Regional Sales Director | Middle East & Africa
Presentation: 3D Printing Earth: Hybrid approach between traditional and contemporary architecture – Dr Deena El-Mahdy, Assistant Professor, The British University in Egypt
Presentation: Data-Driven Insights in Construction: Harnessing the Power of BIM and Analytics – Omar Habib, Digital Delivery Manager, WiiPlan Project Solutions
Presentation: Breaking Boundaries in AEC: Accelerating Design and Construction through Data-Driven Approaches and Automation – Kehinde Ayobade, Founder KS Digital Innovations
Presentation: Enhanced Life-Cycle-Costing in wood construction by novel BIM-supported solution – Richard Acquah – Assistant Researcher, InnoRenew CoE, Slovenia
Lunch & Prayers
Exclusive Side Event: Signing of Partnership Agreement with South Mediterranean University (SMU) – Mediterranean Institute of Technology (MedTech).
BIM for Infrastructure Management – Engr. Abubakar Lawal, Deputy Director, Engineering Services Amana Consortium Limited
Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Engineering and Construction – Ahmed Zakzouk, PhD Researcher, Technische Universität Dresden
Presentation: BIM and Construction Cost Management: Optimising and increasing the consistency of construction cost – Ayodele Faleye MRICS, Senior Quantity Surveyor, United Nations Office for Project Services
Cérémonie des BIM Africa Innovation Awards
Cérémonie de clôture
Diner et Animation Folklorique
En cas de besoin, le transport entre le centre de Conférences Mohamed VI et le lieu du Diner de Gala sera garantie par le comité d’organisation pour des frais supplémentaires.
The BIM Africa Summit is co-organized by BIM Africa Initiative, a (non-profit) community formed to enable and regulate the adoption and implementation of Building Information Modeling and Continuum BIM, the leading BIM agency in Morocco.